Sociology entails the scientific study of human relationships and behavior in context of the society that one lives in. It takes into consideration and studies the origin, development, organisation and functioning of various societal structures and reviews their role in shaping the lives of people at an individual as well as a community level. The political, economical, social, traditional, religious structures are analysed in a scientific manner to identify and draw conclusions regarding their impact on people in a given society. Conducting scientific research is a predominant tool in this field. Professionals in the field, design experiments, collect data and analyse it in order to make inferences about human behaviour and factors that influence it. Presenting one’s research finding helps to revise existing theories on various social phenomenons. As a field, it allows us to decipher complex human behaviours and provide knowledge and solutions to overcome undesirable social practices.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
Path 3:
Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behaviour. Simply put, it tries to develop an understanding of who we are as individuals by studying processes involved in thinking, learning, perception, motivation, emotions to name a few. In other words, the study of psychology involves learning how humans think, feel, learn, interact, perceive and understand themselves and the world around them. It is both a natural science concerned with innate factors and primal drives that align with the laws of nature, and a social science concerned with the study of behaviors, feelings, thoughts and the environmental factors that contribute to them. Psychologists are professionals in this field who try to study the above mentioned processes in a scientific manner through various mediums such as research, experimentation, clinical work and therapy & counselling. As a field, psychology provides us valuable information which contributes towards improving mental health, education, interpersonal relationships and overall human growth and development.
Given below are the various fields under Psychology:
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Political science is a branch of the social science that studies the politics that govern the functioning of a state and the government. It deals extensively with the analysis of political systems, their theoretical foundations, practical applications, and the examination of political behavior. As a field, it intersects with many other branches like sociology, economics, history, anthropology, public policy to name a few. With the advent of globalization, there has been a concomitant rise in the level of interest taken by the people in understanding the functioning of the political systems that run their countries. As citizens of a country, every aspect of our social, political, and economical lives is hugely impacted by the policies drawn and executed to ensure the smooth functioning of a state. Professionals associated with this field contribute in numerous ways both at the level of governance as well as providing guidance and information to people of society regarding the political set up that they live in.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
A library hosts large a large number of books; both in physical and digital form. Without proper supervision, it would become very difficult to navigate through all the information and arrive at specifically what one is seeking. A librarian is a professional who helps people research and gain access to information for personal and professional use in a library. Their daily responsibilities may slightly differ depending on their work setting. Librarians can work on a part time or full time basis in school, public, community or private libraries. They provide guidance and point us in the right direction to conduct research. Some of them may even suggest books or provide references to help us collect the relevant information. Around the world, libraries are classified into public, academic, school and special libraries.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
A graduate or a postgraduate degree is required to work as a librarian.
Eligibility: Clear 12th standard in any stream
Eligibility: Clear 12th standard
Eligibility: Graduate degree in Library Science or related field.
Doctoral Courses:
Eligibility: Postgraduate degree in Library and Information Science.
History can be understood as the study of the past based on the documentation available for the same. Specifically human history studies how societies and cultures evolve as events continue to unfold. Historians research, interpret, analyze and present the past by studying a variety of historical documents and collecting information from other sources. They use a variety of resources such as government and institutional records, interviews, films, newspapers, photographs and unpublished manuscripts to gather information. By studying and reviewing historical facts, they also play an important role in preserving the past. Skill set of documentation, augmentation, writing and research is essential to choose a career path in this field. Documented information on past events is of great value; especially in providing guidance and serving as a reference point to build the collective future of communities, countries and the entire human race.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
Appear for UPSC examination.
To be a part of the defence services of a country is a matter of utmost pride and prestige. It is an exciting and a challenging job which gives an opportunity to citizens to serve their country in an active fashion. The Indian Armed Forces are the military forces of India consisting of four professional uniformed services: The Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard. The various paramilitary organisations and inter-service institutions provide assistance to the Indian Armed Forces. The Ministry of Defence regulates and manages the armed forces in India. The divisions under the Indian Armed Forces are as follows:
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:
Indian Army– The primary role of the Indian Armed Forces is to maintain territorial integrity, defend country against insurgency and foreign aggression, provide assistance to civil community in an event of a natural or manmade disaster, subscribe troops for UN peacekeeping missions and finally, maintain a high standard of operational preparedness to face all the above eventualities.
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Aspiring candidates need to clear the NDA (National Defence Academy) exam in order to join the armed forces. They also need to specify in their application, the unit of Indian Armed Forces that they would like to join: Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. Intelligence and Personality tests are conducted after qualifying the entrance exam. Separate medical and aptitude tests are also conducted based on the the armed forces unit that one qualifies for. Each unit has separate eligibility criteria in regard to nationality, age, education, marital status etc. The Indian Armed Forces also recruit candidates through the University Entry Scheme (UES). An individual can apply online or directly at university drives that the agency conducts. UES process includes Group Discussion and Personal Interview. All candidates who qualify the interview go through the SSB (Service Selection Board) round. It comprises of a) Screening Test, b) Psychological Test and c) Interviews. Lastly, candidates who are approved by the selection board need to undergo a medical exam in order to be eligible to join the Indian Armed Forces.
India is the largest democracy in the world, resting on four pillars of Judiciary, Legislature, Executive and Free Press. Civil service system is an executive branch of the Republic of India and functions like the backbone of the administrative machinery of the country. The primary function of civil servants is to implement policies introduced by the legislative body of the governing body in the country. It provides an opportunity to actively participate in the governance process of the country. Students willing to dedicate their lives in the service of the society must in some capacity or the other must consider exploring the civil services. It offers a lucrative career which is demanding, exciting and gives immense job satisfaction. Selection of candidates under Civil Services is done through the three stage exams: Prelims, Mains and Interview which are conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
A selected candidate is recruited into the Civil Services depending upon his rank in the overall merit list. The three types of services recruited through the Civil Services Examination are All India Services, Central Services, and State Services. Students are asked to list the services as per their preferences. The higher your rank, greater the chances of getting the job of your choice. The Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS) are the top ranking jobs in civil services.
Certain duties attached to this field are:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Centre & State:
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the entrance exam for civil services. It consists of 3 rounds: Prelims, Mains and Interview. A candidate is required to clear all rounds.
Path 1:
Candidate’s rank and preference are both taken into consideration while making appointments under civil services.
Individuals who opt for a career in academics find themselves working in the realm of teaching, conducting research or both. Apart from this, they may be called upon to perform high level administrative duties which are integral to the functioning of the institutes they are attached to. Professionals draw salaries based on their qualifications and the grade at which they are employed. Academicians sculpt the very fabric of how a society evolves and grows. Their services have a huge impact on the overall development of individuals which in turn determines the cultural and intellectual depth of the society they are a part of. Through their teachings, research work, publications, interactions etc they help mould young minds and set the foundation for a brighter future for all.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Day–to-day duties depends upon one’s area of specialisation and nature of work. Some of them are as follows:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
Path 3:
Entrance Exams:
The law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements and social relationships. Simply put, lawyers provide different kinds of legal services to individuals or organisations both in the private and public sector. They advise, guide and ensure that from a legal standpoint, laid out rules and regulations are followed. They take the necessary actions to resolve legal disputes. Lawyers can either choose to have a private practice or be a part of a legal team representing businesses, government agencies etc. They are required to carry out extensive research, review legal documents & evidence, prepare arguments to support their findings in court of law and also carry out certain administrative responsibilities based on their designation and role in a given organisation. Judiciary is one of the four pillars that upholds our democracy. It is upto professionals in this field to preserve, promote and protect the rights of citizens and ensure justice is served to all.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Entrance Exams:
Sign language interpreters are individuals who help people with hearing impairments understand the spoken word by converting it into sign language. They can choose to work on a one-on-one basis or in a group setting. They can also employ various technological tools such as skype, to provide their services from distant locations. Sign language interpreters need to be active listeners and have a good command over sign language in order to communicate with people rapidly and accurately. Job satisfaction is high as professionals play a very important role in assisting clients to interact with other people and stay connected with the world outside. They help bridge the communication gap that exists because of an individual’s hearing impairment. More than a job, it can be looked upon as a social service that professionals provide.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
People with hearing disability are as much part of our society and its different institutions as others. Hence, sign language interpreters find themselves working in a variety of settings. Some of those are as follows:
Apart from the above mentioned settings; hospitals, government offices, court rooms, airports and other private & public institutes ideally need to be equip to handle the needs of people with hearing disabilities.
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
The Diploma Course in Indian Sign Language Interpreting is for a duration of one year. The course is broken up into three levels, namely, Level A, B and C, with the following course titles:
The candidate needs a minimum of 50% aggregate (45% in case of SC/ST candidates) in 12th standard examinations.
Language is the means through which we communicate with one another. With the advent of technology, people belonging to different cultures and nations find themselves engaging with one another on various platforms such as businesses, trade, education, governance etc. In order to facilitate smooth communication, one needs to do away with language barriers. Knowledge of foreign languages goes a long way in facilitating this process of communication. As a professional, one must be able to read, speak and write another language in a fluent and clear manner. The study of languages at this level implies refining one’s communication skills, learning rules of grammar and being able to comprehend both written and spoken text. They translate a variety of content, including commercial, educational, legal, literary, scientific and technical documents. Most professionals in this field, work as freelancers or for translation agencies or directly with clients. Given below are various fields under Foreign Language which one can explore:
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Duties in the field depend upon one’s area of specialisation and work setting. Some of them are as follows :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Art forms which primarily use an artist’s body as the medium of expression fall under the category of performing arts. Artists creatively use their bodies, voices or dialogues along with different kinds of props to convey movement, express emotion and give life to a performance. Drama, music, mime, magic, dance, stand up comedy etc are well known art forms in this field. Usually audiences find a combination of more than one art form in a given performance. For example- music, dance, acting come together in drama. Artists in this field find jobs in various fields such as theatre and dance companies, music production houses, advertising agencies, television, movies and live performances.
Given below are descriptions of few of the performing arts :
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Graduation :
Postgraduate :
Apart from a certified course, experience in the field makes a huge difference. Working as an intern, gaining first hand experience goes a long way in improving the prospect of getting a desirable job. Also, practicing and improving one’s own skill set on a regular basis is essential in achieving professional success in the field.
A simple way of understanding fine arts is to call it “art for art’s sake”. It can be looked at as a visual art created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes. Traditionally speaking, there are five main type of fine arts: Painting, Sculpting, Architecture , Printmaking and Photography. Artists in this field use their imagination and theoretical knowledge to convey to the audience their ideas, thoughts or point of view in a creative and engaging manner. They are rooted in drawing and design based work. Paintings, sculptures, photos etc are used as the medium of expression.
Given below are various fields under Fine Arts :
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
A Bachelor’s degree in literature, also known as English Honours prepares an individual for a career involving communication of ideas using different modes such as writing books, poetry, lyrics, newspaper articles, blogs, research, teaching to name a few. Interested individuals need to develop a good vocabulary and have a strong command over english grammar. They also need to be creative and have a unique style of presenting one’s ideas through spoken or written text. Researching literary figures and their works is central to developing a strong theoretical background in the field. Students need to learn how to do extensive research, analyse texts and consequently be able to present one’s understanding in a novel manner. Studying this subject, enhances one’s ability to articulate and share thoughts and views in an appropriate, concise and clear manner. Studying english or comparative literature can have a great social impact. It creates an opportunity to influence minds by providing a critique on the society we live in. Its creates room for constructive debate to happen and broadens or changes one’s perspective towards relevant issues. A background in englishopens up numerous job opportunities for candidates in various sectors.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1 :
Path 2 :
Path 3 :
Designing is the process of creating a blueprint based on an idea for the purpose of realising it. A design needs to be created in such a manner that the objective of the original idea is met on all parameters. It needs to take into consideration the aesthetic, functional and commercial aspect of the product or service in question. The process of designing involves various stages from conceptualising or understanding an idea from clients to researching about it and finally collaborating with other professionals to developing a design which meets all requirements. Students who are creative with an eye for aesthetics and have a personal style of expression can explore this field. For any product to stand out amongst its competition, the overall look needs to be attractive and engaging for the customer. Designing plays a vital role in creating brand value and satisfying customer needs; which helps companies or businesses in achieving their goals. Interested candidates can specialise within this field depending on their area of interest and preference for work setting.
Given below are various fields under Designing:
Fashion designers create designs for clothes. They launch their own labels or work for other designers, clothes brands etc. Further one can specialize in the following areas :
Industrial designers develop concepts and designs for manufactured products. They typically Specialize in one product category, such as automobiles, furniture or housewares. Further Specializations within this segment are as follows :
Communications designers use tools in media to convey ideas and information in the desired manner. They think in a strategic manner to establish credibility through various communication channels. Some of them are as follows:
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Cosmetologists are licensed professionals who work towards improving a client’s personal appearance by providing services related to grooming, hair care, skin care, styling and makeup. They may specialise and provide service in one particular aspect such as hair and make up or look after the complete grooming of an individual. Cosmetologists can work in many different settings and one of the most attractive aspect of this career choice is the variety of opportunities available. They have flexible schedules, both full and part-time. They can be associated with a salon, work part-time at a local commercial styling chain or even have their own business. Services provided by cosmetologists are quite popular and in high demand. Some sort them out for grooming purposes while others can seek them out to relieve everyday stress. An individual can specialize in different areas as a Cosmetologist such as :
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Cosmetologists can be broadly classified into two categories – based on their specialization and qualification – Medical Professionals and Non-Medical Cosmetologists. Even though their job responsibilities may be similar, they possess completely different qualifications and methods of application.
A cosmetologist requires practical skills which can be acquired either by working at a saloon or by enrolling for a course at a well reputed beauty school. There are many short-term diploma and certificate courses in beauty and hair care that one can choose from depending on their area of interest.
Zoology is a science that involves the study of the animal kingdom, both living and extinct. Professionals in this field review and analyze the structure, physiology, life processes and classification of different species in detail. They also monitor and study the impact, humans have on wildlife and their natural habitats, along with keeping a close eye on the population of different species. Animal scientists, as they are sometimes referred to as, conduct research on both individual organisms and species as a whole by collecting and analyzing data from natural habitats and testing it in laboratories. Preservation of different species on our planet is of paramount importance in maintaining the delicate balance between nature and life on earth. Zoology as a science promotes conservation through programs like natural rehabilitation and breeding and raises awareness of endangered &at risk species.
Given below are various fields under zoology :
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
Physics is the natural science that attempts to define the fundamental measurable quantities such as energy, velocity etc and find the relationship between these quantities. Put simply, it studies matter and its properties through space and time. With the help of equations, graphs, charts, diagrams, models and other means it allows us to express the relationship in a meaningful manner; the knowledge of which can consequently lead to practical applications. Individuals with a passion for understanding how things work and conducting scientific experiments could explore the numerous career paths that this field offers. Physicists tend to sub-specialise in fields such as particle physics, quantum mechanics, astrophysics, geophysics, biophysics, nanophysics, condensed matter physics, atomic physics etc. It extends and enhances our understanding of other disciplines such as the agricultural, chemical, computer science, biological, engineering and environmental sciences.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
The Merchant Navy is the backbone of international trade, transporting cargo all over the world. Merchant navy ships employ a huge number of workers to carry and deliver goods from one country to another. Merchant navy officers are employed by commercial shipping companies to work on all kinds of seagoing vessels such as cargo ships, cruise liners, tankers, cable laying vessels, repair ships and hovercrafts. Industries such as oil & gas production, tourism, e-commerce, telecommunications are hugely dependent upon the merchant navy to ensure that they are able to provide their goods and services to customers all around the world. The merchant navy offers exciting and challenging job opportunities for interested candidates.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
After 10th standard :
After 12th standard :
Eligibility :
Entrance Exams :
Mathematics is concerned with explaining changes within a framework of numericals and equations to establish quantitative relationships. It is an interdisciplinary and language tool which is defined by the types of problems it addresses, the methods it uses to address these problems and the results it consequently achieves. Mathematicians can be categorised into – a) Applied mathematicians and b) Pure mathematicians. Applied mathematicians use theoretical knowledge to come up with practical solutions for a problem. They find application in other science and engineering fields. On the other hand, pure mathematicians devise theories and study the theoretical constructs within the field. They are more concerned with exploring new ideas and understanding them using mathematical concepts. Without the knowledge provided by this field, we wouldn’t be able to understand abstract concepts within a logical framework and find solutions for the numerous problems that we face as a society today.
Given below are some of the fields under Mathematics which provide career opportunities :
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Geology is an applied science, dealing with the study of the origin and evolution of the structure of our planet. Geologists examine the physical properties of earth to understand its history, predict natural/man-made disasters, find out about past and current climate patterns and explore renewable and non-renewable resources. They also study natural resources of the earth such as oil, natural gas, minerals and develop ways to extract them safely without disturbing the natural ecological balance. They usually study geology as a subject, although backgrounds in physics, chemistry, biology, and other sciences are also useful. Field work is an important component of geology and some specialisations require laboratory experimentation as well. Geological findings are applied to the fields of remote sensing, resource mapping, computer simulations and recycling technology.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached with this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1 :
Path 2 :
Bachelor’s degree:
Eligibility: Clear 12th standard with PCM Duration: Bachelors – 3 years and Applied Honours – 4 years.
Master’s degree :
Eligibility: Graduate with minimum 50% aggregate. Duration: Masters – 2 years
Forensic science can be simply understood as scientific methodology and processes applied to solving crime. It is a crucial element of the modern day judiciary system. Forensic science utilizes modern technology and knowledge from a variety of disciplines to analyze crime scene data and present it as legally acceptable evidence. The field of forensic science draws from a number of scientific branches, including physics, chemistry and biology; focusing on the recognition, identification and evaluation of physical evidence. Forensic scientists perform both physical and chemical analyses on physical evidence obtained by crime scene investigators at the crime scene. Professionals in the field use microscopic examination techniques, complex instruments, mathematical principles, scientific principles and refer theories/literature to analyze evidence. They may work at a forensic laboratory or collect evidence from a crime scene. A degree in forensic science provides a well rounded education rooted in the physical sciences, biology and chemistry, as well a basic understanding of law. Forensic scientists can be broadly divided into three groups:
Based on the above categories forensic science can have the following specialisations: Trace Evidence Analysis, Forensic Toxicology, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Podiatry, Forensic Pathology, Forensic Optometry, Forensic Odontology, Forensic Linguistics, Forensic Geology, Forensic Entomology, Forensic Engineering, Forensic DNA Analysis, Forensic Botany, Forensic Archeology, Forensic Anthropology, Digital Forensics and Criminalistics.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Duties in this field depend on one’s area of specialisation and place of work. Some of the duties are as follows :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1 :
Path 2 :
Path 3 :
Environmental science studies the interaction between humans and the environment. In other words, it analyzes the natural and unnatural processes which impact and bring about change in the environment. It highlights the manner in which both life on earth as well as the environment itself adapts and evolves as a result of the interaction between the two. A central area of study in environmental science is addressing the different kinds of environmental issues that we are facing today. It provides the theoretical knowledge for coming up with durable solutions to deal with these problems. As a field it draws from geology, physics, biology, chemistry and even computer science. An interdisciplinary training within the realm of environmental science is important in order to understand, analyse and deal with complex environmental phenomenons and issues.
Given below are certain fields under Chemistry which offer job opportunities :
Day-to-day duties depend on one’s area of specialization and work setting. Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1 :
Path 2 :
Path 3 :
Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of the structure, composition, properties and behaviour of matter. Since everything is essentially made up of matter, chemistry is indispensable to us. It provides us knowledge regarding how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and also how substances interact with energy. It is a core subject in science which has an important role to play in our daily lives. It is essential for meeting our basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air, water and soil. Chemical technologies enrich our quality of life in numerous ways by providing new solutions to problems in health and energy usage. Physical, organic, inorganic, analytic are five main branches of chemistry. There are further specialisations within each branch which open up job opportunities in industrial, educational, scientific or government fields.
Given below are certain fields under Chemistry which offer job opportunities:
Day-to-day duties depend on one’s area of specialization and work setting. Certain duties attached to this field are:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
Path 3:
Biology is a natural science which studies living organisms. Their physical structure, physiological mechanisms, chemical processes, molecular interactions, development and evolution forms the subject matter of biology. It helps us to understand the similarities and differences between different species on earth. There are numerous branches within biology such as zoology, botany, genealogy etc which overlap in their area of study. Irrespective of the subdiscipline, biology studies living organisms on the following five parameters: Cell theory, Energy, Hereditary, Equilibrium and Evolution. All fields of biology have expanded exponentially and touch every aspect of our lives. Medical advances such as tailormade therapy to treat individual patients based on their genetic makeup have been made possible because of expanding research in the field of biology. Similarly, economies hinge on the proper management of ecological resources, balancing human needs with conservation. Students interested in this field can choose from a variety of specialisations and subfields within the broad umbrella of biology. Given below are various fields under Biology:
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached to this field are:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field:
Path 1:
Path 2:
Path 3:
Path 4:
Agricultural science is a broad field which deals with the production and processing of food and fiber. A variety of different products are developed with the help of various technologies like crop cultivation, harvesting, soil cultivation, animal production and so on for human consumption and use. Agricultural science uses the fundamentals of biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics and statistics to solve different kind of problems faced by the agriculture and food industry. Field of agricultural science has become vital in today’s day and age in tackling challenges such as increasing population, unpredictable weather changes, natural disasters, devising suitable post–harvest storage facilities and operational issues faced at the time of implementing processing technologies. Given below are various fields under Agriculture Science:
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Duties in the field depend upon one’s are of specialisation and nature of work. Some of them are as follows:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field:
A web developer is a programmer who writes codes for a website. They are primarily responsible for making a website functional. They need to have a strong technical background with knowledge of programming languages such as HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. Writing programs to run websites requires them to use tools such as EmberJS, ReactJS or AngularJS. They work closely with website designers and web content writers to create websites as per the requirements of their clients. As technology is becoming more and more accessible to people, the number of websites on the World Wide Web (www) are increasing rapidly. This is leading to a boom in the number of job opportunities available for web developers. One can choose to work as a freelancer or be part of the technical team of project managers, designers, content developers in various organisations.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1
Path 2
Path 3
Information Technology (IT) refers to the development, maintenance and use of computer software, systems and networks. It provides the technology for the processing and distribution of data. It involves installing, organizing and maintaining computer systems as well as designing and operating databases and networks. IT specialists create, set up and maintain hardware and software products for the purpose of processing and communicating information and data. IT forms the functional backbone of most industries such as banking, e-commerce, medical, education sector etc. Most businesses rely heavily on computer softwares and applications to ensure smooth operations. As a field, it offers many different kinds of job opportunities depending on one’s specialisation and area of interest.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Day-to-day duties vary depending on one’s area of expertise. Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
After clearing class 12th examination, candidates are required to sit for national-level or state-level entrance exams to gain admission in colleges in order to pursue IT courses and obtain a degree in the field.
Engineering is a discipline dedicated to problem solving. To put it simply, engineers identify a problem and work towards developing a solution for it. Engineers use science, critical thinking and mathematical concepts to develop new ideas, products and technologies to make life simpler and more efficient. They can work as scientists, inventors, designers, builders and theorists. It will be difficult to point out a sector which is void of engineering principles and application. This ensures job opportunities for aspirants in various sectors. The role of engineering is indispensable in sectors such as computer science, architecture, finance, medical, information technology to name a few. Basic foundation is laid by courses covering engineering concepts and principles in the field; students can specialize further depending upon their area of interest and inclination towards working in any particular field.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Day-to-day duties vary depending on one’s area of expertise. Certain duties attached to this field are :
Apart from the above, engineers have additional duties as well. Some of them are mentioned below:
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. It deals mostly with the theory, design, development and application of software and network systems. Principal areas of study within computer science include artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, bioinformatics and theory of computing. Professionals in this field design and analyze algorithms to solve programs and study the performance of computer hardware and software. In today’s day and age, the numerous practical applications of computers influence many aspects of our lives. Globally sectors such as finance, trade, retail, communication etc rely heavily on the technological advances made in this field.
Given below are various fields under Computer Science:
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Day-to-day duties vary depending on one’s area of expertise. Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
The field of aviation deals with the design, development and operation of aircrafts. Piloting, airport operations, engineering, mechanics and aircraft manufacturing are areas which fall within this realm. In relation to the above, job opportunities are available in commercial airlines, private manufacturing companies, airports and government organizations. Individuals with a strong background in mathematics, science and engineering have the option of joining the aviation industry. The aviation sector creates multiple job opportunities, boosts sectors such as tourism and trade, attracts global investors for business expansion which ultimately leads to a boom in the economy and commerce of a nation.
A pilot is the commander-in-chief who controls and operates a flight. They fly passengers and cargo to destinations around the globe.
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
As critical pillars of the aviation sector, aircraft maintenance engineers are responsible for manufacture, maintenance and repair of specialized aircraft instrumentation and parts. They ensure flight safety by carrying out maintenance for aircrafts.
An Aerospace engineer is involved in the research, design, development, testing and launching of commercial as well as military airplanes, weapon systems, space vehicles and satellites.
Air traffic controllers monitor and direct the movement of air traffic in and around airports.
Duties in the field depend on one’s area of specialisation. Some of them are as follows :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
In general, sales implies selling of goods and services. The primary objective of any sales department is to bridge the gap between producers and consumers by ensuring that goods and services are made available in the most efficient manner. Sales management is the process of developing a sales force, coordinating sales operations and implementing sales techniques in order to meet sales targets. Professionals working in this field make sure that interest is generated in relation to the product or service at hand, the customer is aware of the availability of the product and has access to it. Personnels can be associated with different aspects of a sales process such as conducting market research, developing sales strategy, directly dealing with customers, addressing their grievances, and collecting feedback. It is a fast paced industry which involves ample travel, dealing with different kinds of people and gaining a lot of hands-on experience for some. The success of a business is greatly dependent on the functioning and efficiency achieved by the sales department in meeting the sales objectives set by the company.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
Insurance is a means to protect oneself against financial loss. It is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement from an insurance company against a loss incurred. It is a form of risk management, where for a certain price one can obtain a policy to handle any unforeseen circumstances in the future from a financial standpoint. There are different kinds of insurance policies available in the market today. Life, automobile, health, home, travel are some common examples. Getting an insurance policy for individual purpose or business is an active step taken to handle uncertainties that may arise in the future. Insurance provides cushioning and eases the financial burden in case of different kinds of loss. An insurance company generates funds by collecting premiums from its clients and reinvesting them further in securities, stocks or equities. It provides opportunities for investment and savings for individuals. Hence, the practice of getting insured has a positive impact on the economy of the country through mobilisation of domestic savings.
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
Path 3:
Economics is an approach to decision making concerned with meeting needs after assessing the resources at hand. As a field, it studies how individuals, businesses, governments and nations allocate resources to meet their requirements. Achieving maximum output after planning, analysing, organising and allocating limited resources is the ultimate goal. Economists employ various research tools and methodologies to collect data and analyse it to make predictions and provide solutions to tackle economic issues such as unemployment rate, consumer expenditure, currency exchange rate, capital distribution, market trends, identifying growth sectors etc. The two broad categories within the field are: Micro economics and Macro economics. Microeconomics is the study of economics at an individual, group or company level. On the other hand, macroeconomics is the study of a national economy as a whole. Students interested in the subject can choose to specialise further depending on their area of interest. There are three general categories of economists: business economists, government economists and academic economists. Each type of economist applies the economic approach to decision making in a different setting.
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
Path 3:
The exchange of goods and services between entities or businesses is referred to as commerce. As a field, it impacts the trade and the economy of a nation. It refers to all transactions related to the purchase and sale of any particular item in an economy. The main subjects in the commerce field are Accountancy, Economics, Business Studies and Maths. To pursue a career in this field, an individual needs to have an inclination towards the affairs of corporate finance and stock markets as well as have a clear understanding of the inner financial workings of an economy. It is an interdisciplinary field which forms the functional backbone of many other fields such as finance, accounting, banking, trade etc. When properly managed, commercial activity can quickly enhance the standard of living in a nation and increase its standing in the world. Depending on one’s area of interest, this field opens up a variety of job opportunities for interested candidates.
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Banking can be understood as a business activity which involves accepting money from individuals and lending it to others for a profit. In addition to this, banks provide various other services such as lockers to keep valuables, ATMs, online transfer of funds, credit/debit cards for easier transactions, mobile payments, digital currencies etc. A banker is an employee of a bank or financial institute who services the financial needs of clients. They provide financial advice to clients on matters such as savings, loans, taxes, investments etc. Their focus lies on generating capital and profits for banks to facilitate loans and investments. Banking system facilitates pooling of savings and channelising them into investments to boost the economy of a country. It regulates the flow of cash and ensures that it is readily available for government developmental projects and private businesses in the form of loans, policies, securities etc. Banking sector offers numerous job opportunities to candidates who are interested in finance and want to part of the machinery which regulates the fiscal needs of the country.
Given below are some specialisations within the field of Banking :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Chartered accountants ensure that an organisation functions within the law and industry specific regulations to achieve its business objectives. They primarily focus on the fiscal decisions made by the organisation in order to maximise profits and minimise losses. They work in all fields of business and finance including audit, taxation and general management. Depending on the work setting, they could provide services to individuals or manage the financial dealings of an entire organisation. In large organisations, it is common to find a team of chartered accountants working towards preparing financial reports and documents, maintaining records of investments, filing taxes, auditing financial transactions, reviewing potential financial risks and providing inputs in regard to the fiscal decisions made by the organisations. In India, an individual needs to be certified by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) to practice as a CA. For a business to run successfully, it needs to have a system in place which keeps a track of all its financial dealings and ensures that rules are being followed for the same.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1 :
Step 1 – Clear the Competency Professional Test (CPT)
Step 2 – Clear Integrated Professional Competence (IPCC) Examination
Step 3 – Pursue Articleship for 3 years
Step 4 – Clear the CA final exam
Path 2 :
Step 1 – Clear Integrated Professional Competence (IPCC) Examination.
Step 2 – Pursue Articleship for 3 years.
Step 3 – Clear the CA final exam
A veterinarian is a medical professional who looks after the health and wellbeing of animals. They diagnose and treat animals dealing with different kinds of ailments or diseases. Further specializations in animal surgery is a popular option for veterinarians. They also provide guidance to owners regarding the proper care of pets and livestock. Their services and research in the field plays a critical role in environment preservation, food safety and public health. Veterinarians can practice in different settings such as private clinics, teaching, research, government service, public health, military service to name a few.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are the desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Graduation :
Post– Graduation :
The courses offered under veterinary science are as follows :
Bachelor’s courses :
Master’s courses :
Doctoral courses :
Physiotherapy can be defined as a treatment method that addresses underlying physical ailment by focusing on the science of movement through exercise or massage in order to help people restore, maintain and maximize their physical strength, movement, functionality, and overall well-being. They are trained health professionals who provide treatment to people suffering from different kinds of ailments caused by disease, injury, aging, etc. They help their patients deal with challenges that they face on a daily basis post an injury, illness, or surgery by customizing their treatment plans to meet specific needs. One of their primary focus areas is providing pain management services to patients and improve their overall quality of life. With people turning to more natural forms of treatments, physiotherapy has gained immense popularity in recent years.
Given below are various fields under physiotherapy :
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are the desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing drugs. As a profession it links health sciences with chemical sciences and aims to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. It is an interdisciplinary field which borrows from other disciplines such as pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, phytochemistry and forensics. Pharmacists are primarily the experts on drug therapy who ensure that patients do not consume the wrong medication or wrong dosage of medication. They dispense prescription medications to patients and offer expertise in the safe use of prescriptions. They may also advise patients on diet, exercise, stress management, adverse effect of wrong dosage of medication, immunizations and conduct health and wellness screenings. They are indispensable as health care professionals in ensuring the smooth running of the healthcare system in a society.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are the desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1 :
Path 2 :
Path 3 :
Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT) is a national level entrance exam conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) every year as per the directions of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. The GPAT score is accepted by all AICTE-Approved Institutions, Universities and Affiliated Colleges.
Paramedical science is an integral part of the healthcare system that runs parallel to the conventional medical practices within the country. They work in tandem with other healthcare service providers such as nurses, doctors, surgeons etc by providing a range of diagnostic, technical, therapeutic and direct patient care and support services. ‘Paramedic’ services are primarily those services which are provided outside of a hospital on an urgent basis. Paramedics are health-care workers who provide clinical services to patients under the supervision of a physician. They perform a variety of tasks such as taking blood samples, administering injections, suturing wounds etc. Allied health professionals on the other hand are specially trained individuals (who are not physicians, nurses or dentists) who use scientific principles and evidence-based practice for the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. They promote disease prevention and wellness, and apply administration and management skills to support health care systems in a variety of settings.
Dental hygienists clean teeth, examine patients for signs of oral diseases and provide other preventive dental care to clients. A dental ceramist is a person who creates dental prosthetics for patients. These prosthetics can include bridgework, crowns and dentures.Dentists, dental hygienists and dental ceramists work together to meet the oral health needs of patients.
Dialysis is the artificial process of eliminating waste (diffusion) and unwanted water (ultrafiltration) from the blood. A therapist is an expert in conducting dialysis for patients.
Medical Laboratory Technicians perform tests to identify abnormalities in samples of blood, urine, sputum, stool etc. to help physicians make a diagnosis and provide treatment to patients.
Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of patients, mostly in hospitals. They meet the day to day needs of patients and ensure that treatment is provided to them as directed by doctors.
Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants design purposeful activity or programs to promote health, deal with injury or disability. They work with clients on a one-to-one basis and design treatment programs to suit each person’s needs and lifestyle.
Optometrist is a primary health care provider that specializes in eye care and visual health. They examine, diagnose, treat and manage diseases, injuries, and disorders of the visual system, the eye and associated structures.
A physiotherapist helps patients deal with physical problems caused by illness, injury or aging.
They deal with the rehabilitation of physically handicapped individuals who suffer from limb malfunctions, abnormalities, absence or loss of limbs or any other body parts.
A respiratory therapist is a specialized healthcare practitioner trained in pulmonary medicine in order to work therapeutically with people suffering from pulmonary disease.
Cardiovascular technologists operate different kinds of equipment such as ECG machines, which help in testing or treating cardiovascular ailments.
Their main task is to assist Doctors/Surgeons during surgery, by administering an appropriate dose of anesthesia and operating anesthesia equipment whenever required.
Neuro Electrophysiologist assess patients, devise treatment plans and electrophysiology procedures.
Radiologic technologists are the health care professionals who perform diagnostic imaging procedures, such as X-ray examinations, (MRI) scans and computed tomography (CT) scans.
Their main task is to assist doctors and surgeons during surgery or emergency procedures. They work in Operation Theatres of hospitals, Intensive Care as well as Emergency Units.
They provide immediate emergency care for sick and injured people at the scene before patients are transported to the hospital for further care.
Nuclear medicine technologists are in charge of preparing and administering radioactive drugs to patients for imaging and therapy purposes. They work in collaboration with physicians and other professionals for diagnosing and treatment of the patients.
Medical records technicians are involved in coding, analyzing and preserving patients’ medical records and compiling reports, disease indices and statistics in health care institutions.
Music therapist uses different kinds of sounds in combinations to address health grievances and improve overall well being of an individual.
Physician assistants help the primary physicians in conducting physical examinations, diagnosing, ordering and interpreting tests, counseling patients, surgery etc.
Duties to be performed on a daily basis depend on one’s specialisation and nature of work. Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Medicine as a profession aims at protecting, promoting and restoring good health with a focus on identifying, diagnosing and treating illnesses using scientific and highly specialised knowledge. Patient treatment and care forms the core of this field. A medical professional is a qualified doctor who treats a patient depending on his/her specialisation and skillset. It is one of the most sort out professions by individuals with an interest in science. It is a highly competitive field which requires rigorous training at the graduate, postgraduate and doctorate level. However, it is a highly respected profession where job satisfaction is immensely high. Medical professionals are entrusted with the task of saving human lives and improving one’s standard of health. Doctors work in different settings such as private/government hospitals, community clinics, medical colleges, research centres or have a private practice. It is an ever evolving field with new discoveries being made everyday aimed to provide high standards of medical care to people.
There are numerous specializations within the field. Hence, the prospective job depends on one’s area of specialization. Some of them are as follows :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
MBBS ((Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)
Entrance Exam: AIIMS, JIPMER, PGIMER (not covered under NEET-UG)
MD– Masters in general medicine/MS– Masters in general surgery/ DNB– Post graduate Diplomate of National Board
Fitness trainers are professionals who assist people in establishing an exercise routine, help them to do specific kinds of exercises and look after the overall fitness of their clients. They teach and monitor individuals during a workout session. They train and instruct people to do different kinds of exercises such as gyming, pilates, yoga, zumba spinning etc. They may choose to hold private lessons or can be associated with fitness centers. They can take group sessions or be employed as private trainers. They need to have a certain degree of knowledge about human anatomy and its functioning. People all over the world are becoming more and more aware of the importance of being physically and mentally fit. They are aspiring to make exercise a part of their daily routine. A fitness trainer provides his/her professional services to assist people in setting realistic goals regarding their fitness and help in achieving them.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Certain duties attached to this field are :
Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :
Path 1:
Path 2:
Path 3:
Alternative medicine is a broad domain that encompasses alternate health systems along with their modalities, practices and accompanying theories and beliefs. These fall outside the realm of conventional medicine. However, we must keep in mind what is considered complementary or alternative practice in one country may be considered conventional medical practice in another. Alternative medicine can be used alongside standard medical care. An example is using acupuncture to help with the side effects of cancer treatment. In some cases, it can also replace standard medical care. Treating heart disease with chelation therapy (which seeks to remove excess metals from the blood) instead of using a standard approach of surgery is one such example. Many people utilize mainstream medicine for diagnosis and treatment, while turning to alternative medicine for health-enhancing measures.
Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :
Alternative medicine is a broad domain that encompasses alternate health systems along with their modalities, practices and accompanying theories and beliefs. These fall outside the realm of conventional medicine. However, we must keep in mind what is considered complementary or alternative practice in one country may be considered conventional medical practice in another. Alternative medicine can be used alongside standard medical care. An example is using acupuncture to help with the side effects of cancer treatment. In some cases, it can also replace standard medical care. Treating heart disease with chelation therapy (which seeks to remove excess metals from the blood) instead of using a standard approach of surgery is one such example. Many people utilize mainstream medicine for diagnosis and treatment, while turning to alternative medicine for health-enhancing measures.